We had hoped to re-provision with fresh stuff (fruits and vegetables) on St. Helena but found out that only few items are grown on the island. Best were the bananas that looked green when we bought them but turned yellow and sweet after two days.
200 miles off St. Helena, the wind started to die off. We had calms and light winds below 10 knots for almost a week. This provided an opportunity to try out our beautiful genacker. The sail proved very efficient, even with winds as light as seven knots. Still, the light winds slowed us down considerably and it took us almost 15 days to Salvador.
With light winds and few things to do, we spent most of the time reading.
Almost every day we had a breakdown. Here, Rolf and Benno build an improvised shakle for our yankee sail.
Sunsets and sunrises were always beautiful. This one fitted the Swiss anathema.
We also managed to catch some fish. Quite special as the two guys on board had no fishing experience. Best was the fresh sashimi while the fish's heart was still beating. Fish curry was nice as well.
One month after leaving Cape Town we arrived in Salvador de Bahia. This photo was taken in the early morning hours at the entry to the bay.