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South Africa
South Atlantic
Todos os Santos
North Atlantic

We had spent almost half a year in Brazil. For three months we cruised the Baìa de Todos os Santos (Salvador) where we experienced the rain season and the football world championship. We then sailed up North, visiting the towns of Recife, João Pessoa (Cabadelo), and Natal, as well as some smaller towns and anchorages on the way.

We will remember Brazil as a very interesting place. Of course, there is a lot of misery and social tensions between rich and poor in this country. And, yes, there is crime going on (crime was the main reason why we hesitated so long whether we should go to Brazil). But during our stay we were only marginally affected by these problems. Instead, we discovered other aspects of the Brazilian society. For us it was particularly nice to see how the Brazilians opened their hearts for our children. And then, during all our stay we didn't hear a single samba tune…

For us, the Brazilian journey turned out, in many ways, different than expected. Traveling in such a hectic country with two small children was at the same time more complicated and more rewarding than anticipated. And didn't think we would spend so much time in the big cities.